How to install WordPress with cPanel & Softaculous
Softaculous is by far the leading Auto Installer for cPanel and WHM having more than 200 great web applications and scripts
Unlike other auto installers Softaculous is much faster, well designed and it installs all web apps and scripts in just one click simple as that. The customer does not have to go through the process of Individual installers, everything from copying the files to creating a Database is done by Softaculous.
Backups can also be done by Softaculous. Customers can perform complex functions like backing up a Database or Backing up their entire Website with just a click of a button.
When it comes to security and updates, Softaculous gives much faster updates of the apps and scripts it maintains.
Softaculous also provides Ratings and Reviews of apps and scripts. Customers who have used the web applications can write reviews of them and can also rate the web applications they like the best. So other users will be able to choose their required software much more easier.
Please view the video below for the full instructions